Monday, August 17, 2009

Go Lean On Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for our body to function. However, we must remember that everything needs moderation. A lot of protein comes from animal products, but eating a lot of animal products such as meat can have negative health outcomes.

Eating meat sparingly and choosing leaner meats, can help combat and lower our risk for these four chronic diseases.

Type II Diabetes:

Try to decrease saturated fats by eating less beef and pork and increase polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats by choosing leaner meats like fish and poultry. This will help to manage weight, thus decreasing your chance for type II diabetes.

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD):

Decreasing protein from animals, thus decreasing saturated fats, will help decrease cholesterol in the blood and decrease the fatty deposits on the artery walls. As a result, you will lower your chances for CVD.


Avoid a diet of high protein combined with low calcium. This diet will decrease bone density. Vitamin D helps with maintaining strong bones. You can get vitamin D from some fatty fish.


A high protein diet with red meats, grilled meats, and charred meats can put carcocinogens in the body, thus increasing the risk for cancer. So it is good to decrease these kinds of meats in the diet.

You don’t have to cut meat out of your diet. However, try to eat protein in moderation and choose leaner proteins.

* Sources of protein other than meat:
- dairy products
- soy
- beans
- nuts and seeds
- whole grains


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