Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No More Bad Breath

Bad breath is hard to get rid of because it has so many different causes, but the main cause is bacteria in the mouth.

The first thought of course is to use gum or mouth wash, but these things just mask bad breath rather than kill bad breath.

The bacteria in the mouth are a result of poor oral hygiene. Most of the bacteria are on the tongue and between the teeth.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day and FLOSS because food particles that are left to rot in your mouth will most definitely cause bad breath.
  • A tongue scraper is very effective in getting bacteria off of the tongue.

Saliva is a key component to getting rid of bacteria. Saliva not only washes away bacteria but it actually kills bacteria as well.

  • A dry mouth can encourage bad breath… so stay hydrated and drink water.

An unbalanced diet can cause bad breath. Eating too much protein and not enough carbs can lead to bad breath.

  • Try eating less protein and more carbs if your diet is unbalanced.

Chronic bad breath can also be a signal for a more serious problem. It is always safe to get a check up with your doctor to make sure your bad breath isn’t because of a more serious health condition.

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